by alkalign | May 25, 2022 | Community, Fitness & Exercise, Functional Fitness, Motivation, Testimonial
My name is Liz Rhodes and I came to Alkalign to strengthen my core and improve my stiff, bad back. When I first joined, I felt very intimidated. I always went to the back corner so that I could see what everyone else was doing. The interesting part is whenever I take...
by Erin Paruszewski | Mar 9, 2022 | Community, Fitness & Exercise, Functional Fitness, Motivation
Here’s what happens when you Alkalign 3x per week. It’s kind of like If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, but even better. 😉 When you Alkalign three times a week, you establish consistency. When you establish consistency, you start seeing results. When you start seeing...
by alkalign | Feb 24, 2022 | Community, Fitness & Exercise, Functional Fitness, Instructors, Motivation
Have you ever been reintroduced to your body that felt completely foreign to you after an injury? Or had to unexpectedly rebuild your strength and confidence from the ground up? It happened to me when I completed cancer treatment nearly 10 years ago. It’s not often...
by alkalign | Feb 24, 2022 | Fitness & Exercise, Functional Fitness, Instructors, Motivation
By Maggie Roney I have been a long distance runner for most of my life. About 8 years ago, I slipped and fell on black ice while visiting Montana for winter and my running came to a halt. I had a hematoma on my hip and developed trochanteric bursitis. Recovery was...
by Marlene | Feb 24, 2022 | Community, Fitness & Exercise, Functional Fitness, Instructors, Motivation
I always say exercise isn’t something you HAVE to do. It’s something you GET to do. Before I discovered Alkalign, I always pushed through the pain and thought I was invincible. I have an active lifestyle and would run a half marathon in the freezing cold temps of...
by Pauline Goloubef | Feb 24, 2022 | Community, Fitness & Exercise, Functional Fitness, Instructors, Motivation
I am the first to admit that I used to be intimidated by the word “exercise”. Every time I searched for an exercise program that may be a good fit for me I was hesitant to walk in the front door. The voice in my head ran through a list of all the why’s I shouldn’t; I...