by Erin Paruszewski | Aug 4, 2022 | Community, Diversity, Environment, Fitness & Exercise, Inclusion, Instructors, Motivation
Inclusion has always been at the forefront of who Alkalign is. At its inception, our goal was to create a brand, a workout and an environment where all felt welcome. Coming from a barre background, most of our clients at the time were women ages 25-45. Operating in...
by alkalign | Jul 6, 2022 | Fitness & Exercise, Functional Fitness, Instructors, Mobility, Motivation
You all know and love our master instructor Cathy P! She came to the studio over a decade ago with an IT band injury. Back then, she was running a ton and was not stretching or cross-strengthening. Soon after embracing Alkalign regularly, her IT band was feeling much...
by Marlene | Jun 2, 2022 | Fitness & Exercise, Functional Fitness, Golf, Motivation
Summer is here and that means we are all spending more time outside doing the things we love. Whether you’re on the courts playing pickleball or tennis, or hitting the trails, beaches and paths for a run or bike ride or golfing, Alkalign is the foundation that...
by alkalign | May 25, 2022 | Community, Fitness & Exercise, Functional Fitness, Motivation, Testimonial
My name is Liz Rhodes and I came to Alkalign to strengthen my core and improve my stiff, bad back. When I first joined, I felt very intimidated. I always went to the back corner so that I could see what everyone else was doing. The interesting part is whenever I take...
by alkalign | May 3, 2022 | Community, Motivation, Testimonial
“Hi! I’m Sarah and I came to Alkalign because I was curious about what it was. I am not a work-out exercise person. I have a fear of pain and a diagnosed anxiety disorder that has kept me from trying new things. I’ve had spinal surgery at 18, a L5 S1...
by Erin Paruszewski | Mar 9, 2022 | Community, Fitness & Exercise, Functional Fitness, Motivation
Here’s what happens when you Alkalign 3x per week. It’s kind of like If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, but even better. 😉 When you Alkalign three times a week, you establish consistency. When you establish consistency, you start seeing results. When you start seeing...