by Erin Paruszewski | Feb 8, 2022 | Community, Environment, Motivation, Myth-Busting, Nourish
I didn’t realize how messed up the fitness industry is when I started working in it. I naively thought I was helping people get healthier and feel better. I had no idea that the classes I was teaching and the brands I was supporting were actually making people feel...
by alkalign | Jan 26, 2022 | Fitness & Exercise, Instructors, Mental Health, Motivation, Testimonial
By Candace Regan My journey with Alkalign started several years ago when I was looking for a job but couldn’t afford childcare. I stumbled across an opening at the Alkalign Playroom where I could work and bring my son. It was a win-win because I could be around...
by Erin Paruszewski | Jan 21, 2022 | Community, Fitness & Exercise, Motivation
We hear it all the time. The list of reasons why someone needs to cancel their membership. But before you cancel the one membership that is likely most beneficial to your well-being, consider this: what lies beneath the reasons you want to cancel? Is it a real...
by Marlene | Jan 13, 2022 | Community, Fitness & Exercise, Motivation, Myth-Busting
Originally authored by Linda Hubbard on Jan 11, 2022. Published by InMenlo. Local author, entrepreneur and founder of Alkalign, Erin Paruszewski recently published a book called It Doesn’t Have to Hurt to Work. It’s a transformational memoir about...
by Marlene | Jan 3, 2022 | Community, Environment, Motivation, Nourish, Nutrition
Nourish is Alkalign’s holistic health coaching program that guides you step-by-step through a month-long process of truly understanding how to optimize your lifestyle longer-term. It’s not just about food, but also incorporates the “pillars” of...
by alkalign | Dec 29, 2021 | Community, Fitness & Exercise, Motivation, Nutritious Movement, Testimonial
By Emmanuelle Hertel My journey to becoming an Alkalign instructor started from a place of low self-confidence and poor body image. From early childhood, the notion that I was chubby or “big-boned” was instilled in me by people very close to me, and then reinforced...