Nutritious vs. Junk Movement

Nutritious vs. Junk Movement

What is the difference between a fast food burger and an organic grass fed hamburger? How do you feel while eating one vs the other? How do you feel after? How will your body feel after months or years of one vs the other?   Not all food is created equally, and...

Walking Tall with Alkalign

  Standing in line at Starbucks the other day I noticed the lovely posture of the women in front of me. It reminded me I should stand up straighter! The line was long so I decided instead of looking down at my phone, I would look out. I took a deep breath, lifted...

Joining Team Alkalign

  Another cycle of instructor training has begun and I couldn’t be more excited about the new women who are joining our team! Over the last few weeks I have been thinking about my own experience as I made the transition from client to instructor. There were...

Gluteus Medius 101

by Tricia Clark, PT, DPT Let’s talk about my favorite muscle! It’s one of the gluteal muscles, aka the buttock, the seat muscles, or my nickname for it, the “back pocket”.  My favorite of this muscle group is the gluteus medius, or the side of that back pocket. Often...
8 Reasons Why We Love Yoga Blocks

8 Reasons Why We Love Yoga Blocks

Q: Why did the yoga blocks walk into a barre class? A: To give Alkalign clients a way to work harder and smarter!   At Alkalign we are passionate about awareness, engagement, alignment, balance, focus and education. The yoga block is a tool that encourages growth...