Are you still using a rotary phone? Nope. Know why? Because you are adaptable. If you’ve thought “I can’t work out online”, think again. Yes, change is hard. But those who have made the leap from in-person to Alkalign online couldn’t be happier. “Livestream is easy to...
What do Santa and Alkalign have in common?
They both (silently) make magic happen. Why do people love Alkalign? Because it makes them feel better. Back pain, hip pain and knee pain go away. Clients feel stronger, taller, tighter and more confident. What’s the problem with Alkalign? It’s not the...
A Year Since the Worst Day of my Alkalign Life
One year ago marks the most devastating day I’ve had in my 15 years of owning my own business. It was the day our property manager emailed us out of the blue to essentially say that we had to leave our Los Altos location, which meant closing our last of 4 brick and...
Tips to help embrace your health this holiday season
Originally published on 11/21/23 on the Los Altos Crier ’Tis the season to throw in the towel. It’s that time of year when the weather changes, daylight savings makes 5 p.m. seem like midnight, and the calendar starts filling up with all sorts of holiday...
Blood glucose: What it is, why it matters and how to keep it in check
Originally posted on Los Altos Town Crier on Oct 17, 2023 Do you know what your fasting glucose is? How about fasting insulin? Unless you are diabetic, chances are that you’ve never thought about these numbers, much less tracked them. However, blood glucose (aka blood...
Erin is an engaging and dynamic presenter. She has been hired by corporations, educational institutions and non-profits to teach classes and facilitate workshops on a wide range of health and wellness topics. Her passion is helping people truly feel better from the inside out in a way that is both safe and sustainable.
Erin is the author of a transformational memoir called It Doesn’t Have to Hurt to Work™. She leads interactive workshops by the same name. Email to inquire about booking. She is available in-person or virtual/online.
It Doesn't Have to Hurt to Work™
A NEW, 2-week FREE program we are offering to any and all who want to get off the hamster wheel and try something that 1) works and 2) you will enjoy in the process. No more beating yourself up and spiraling the shame drain thinking you have to do more and be more. We embrace a philosophy that it doesn’t have to hurt to work™. The extremes aren’t sustainable. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to your body. Slow, steady and sane wins the race of life. And we are here to help you along the way.