My name is Liz Rhodes and I came to Alkalign to strengthen my core and improve my stiff, bad back. When I first joined, I felt very intimidated. I always went to the back corner so that I could see what everyone else was doing. The interesting part is whenever I take a class or go to lecture I want to be in the front row, acting like I know what I am doing! I truly wanted to do each move perfectly. I love Alkalign because Erin, Lizzie and the Blue Crew educate you to develop core strength which, for me, turned into visible muscles! My real estate company did a promotion and I think they needed a “senior” representative. They took photos of me in yoga poses, only then did I see what Alkalign did for my body not just my mental and physical health! I kind of impressed myself and I had Alkalign to thank!
I truly love the education, meaning that when the Blue Crew tells you to do a move, they explain the benefits and the why. I love the education I am getting about my body! I also truly appreciate the Nourish program, the best investment I have ever made in learning about how to fuel my body. Thank you Erin!
Alkalign has truly changed how I care for my body and I love how I feel after completing a class; I feel strong, and so accomplished!
Thank you Blue Crew!