Have you ever been reintroduced to your body that felt completely foreign to you after an injury? Or had to unexpectedly rebuild your strength and confidence from the ground up? It happened to me when I completed cancer treatment nearly 10 years ago.
It’s not often we have a chance to start from scratch as adults – maybe after an injury, an illness, or a pandemic spent sitting on our couches at home… It requires a lot of patience and determination, reserving judgment as you set different goals than you might be used to. It takes support from those around you when you’re frustrated that progress will be measured in months, not days. And then, one day, you hit a big milestone and realize that you made tremendous progress.
I’m lucky to have found the community at Alkalign that works with me and celebrates my own journey, and I became an instructor to support others as well. If you’re coming back from an injury or need modifications that work for your body today, please let me know. Wherever you are on your journey, I’m here to help and to cheer you on.
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