Originally posted on Smart Bites by Zing.
January is a time of resolutions. By now, most people have made one or two…or 10! We make them with the best of intentions, relying on willpower to overcome past behaviors we don’t like and turn them into something positive. The problem is, willpower alone won’t help us stop eating so many sweets, get us to bed earlier, or make us exercise daily.

- Think Big. Because mindset drives behavior, it is important to get that mindset right first. Picture a healthier, more vibrant you at year end. How do you feel? What is your energy level? What do others notice about you? Then give it a label. Some examples from the Zing community are: Fresh, Not Frazzled; Pleasant and Present; Today for Tomorrow; Steady and Ready.
- Execute Small. Once you have a theme in mind, choose one small behavior to change and focus here for at least 30 days. It could be putting your gym shoes by the front door every day as a way to get started. Choose something you can be successful with, and build on it.
- Get the Support of Others. There is power in other people, whether it is a small group or just one other person. Social control theory shows that people who are part of a community develop internalized obligations to their peer group which discourage poor health behaviors and reinforce good ones (Unberson, 1987).
Sally Duplantier is long-time Alkalign client, health coach, and founder of Zing. You can learn more about her through her website or find her attending one of our many Livestream classes offered through our virtual studio.