Dear Erin,
I have just returned home from a routine run through Wunderlich Park in Woodside. As I was running down the mountain, enjoying the spectacular morning and accompanied by an inspirational book on Audible, somehow my footing gave out beneath me. As I realized I was not going to regain my footing or avoid falling, my next thought was how to brace myself so as not to do a complete face plant (a little embarrassing here but a funny visual, I know) or have a serious injury. Somehow, Alkalign popped into my mind as I was losing ground, and in that moment, I was able to keep myself up until I could find a safe place and position to land. This is where my Alkalign training of the past almost 10 years comes in. Without having attended your classes, I would not have had the strength or bandwidth to pull this off. Oh, did I mention that I got up, brushed myself off, scanned my body for injuries and continued my run with only a couple of very minor scrapes?
In the end, I did not come to Alkalign to lose weight (I didn’t need to) or get fit (I was already in shape). I came to strengthen, tone and stretch. Never would I have known all these years later that Alkalign continues to keep me safe, strong and in one piece while living my active lifestyle.
Thanks to your dedication, creativity and guidance, I have received beyond measure what I expected. The community of women are among the loveliest on the mid-Peninsula.
Keep up the amazing work!
Much love,