Testimonial: Sam Park Injury + Alkalign Recovery

by | Apr 27, 2016

Sam Park Alkalign Studios

I first heard about Alkalign through my wife who went to classes on a regular basis. She raved about Alkalign and encouraged me to give it a try. And so I did, with some hesitation. When I walked into the studio (not alone, but with my wife, of course), I immediately felt self-conscious and had my doubts. You see, here I was, a middle-aged, 45-year-old male, set in my ways with my exercise routine.  This typically involved running 10-20 miles per week and doing some manly weight training at the gym, such as seeing how much I could bench press. So what was I now doing in a barre fitness studio where I stood out like a sore thumb? Nevertheless, I went into the class with an open mind as I trailed behind my wife.


Well guess what? The class was actually quite challenging, and I was pleasantly surprised. It gave me a great workout of all the major muscle groups. I kept going back and soon I started incorporating Alkalign classes into my exercise routine but only whenever my wife was available to go together.


Then came ski season 2015. I am an avid skier and skiing is an activity that my family loves to do together. On one of our trips to a ski resort in Lake Tahoe, I (foolishly) attempted a big air ski jump for the first time and landed awkwardly. I knew immediately that something went wrong as I grabbed my left knee in pain. But even in my moment of pain, I was in denial. Laying on the ground, I kept replaying back various scenes from my youth—how I had fallen so many times playing sports, yet was able to bounce back up and keep going. Surely, this time would be no different. However, when we got to the hospital, I was informed by the doctor otherwise. I had torn both my anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and my medial collateral ligament (MCL) on my left knee, and surgery was a possibility. I was in shock.


I started to imagine all sorts of worst-case scenarios. What if I could never ski or run again? You see, physical fitness is very important to me. It’s not just an activity, but a big part of who I am.


I eventually came to accept what happened and accept the fact that I’m no longer in my youth. I was motivated to work hard towards a quick recovery, surgery or not. The recipe for recovery initially involved RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation), but soon expanded to include stretching and physical therapy. Over time, I incorporated the stationary bicycle, weights, and Alkalign classes. I noticed that a lot of my physical therapy exercises focused on strengthening the quadriceps and hamstrings, to help strengthen the muscles that can actually compensate for the weaker torn ligament. Alkalign really took my recovery to the next level with all the focused thigh, seat, and hamstring work, and helped build strength and alignment in my knee, all while avoiding the chance of further injury. My knee was recovering so well, so quickly, that after three months, the orthopedic surgeon ruled out the need for surgery! I was ecstatic and grateful.


Fast forward one year later to now. My knee feels great and is back to functioning normally. It feels so great in fact that I am not only able to walk, but I am able to run long distances again. And I skied more than 30 powder days this season with no knee issues whatsoever!


Alkalign is not just another barre class. And it’s not just for women. It’s much, much more. It’s a complete program that combines the best of barre, yoga, pilates and personal nutrition to really offer fitness in the safest and most effective way. Whether you’re getting started or a star athlete, young or old, male or female, it really works.


And as for my manly exercise routine, I don’t check to see how much I can bench press anymore. But I do go to more Alkalign classes. A lot more, even without my wife.

It Doesn't Have to Hurt to Work

A NEW, 2-week FREE program we are offering to any and all who want to get off the hamster wheel and try something that 1) works and 2) you will enjoy in the process. No more beating yourself up and spiraling the shame drain thinking you have to do more and be more. We embrace a philosophy that it doesn’t have to hurt to work. The extremes aren’t sustainable. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to your body. Slow, steady and sane wins the race of life. And we are here to help you along the way.

Hi! I’m Erin and my passion in life is helping others feel better by helping them get out of their own head. So much of our relationship to food and fitness is a reflection of deeply rooted beliefs that were imprinted on us at a very early age. These beliefs drive all sorts of behaviors, many of which are not good for our physical or mental health. I know this first-hand. As a former calorie-counting cardio queen I played right into all the toxic messages about what it meant to be “healthy”. That all changed when I hit rock bottom. Since leaving my corporate career in 2009 I have been fully committed to shifting the narrative and helping people experience better physical health by unpacking unhealthy beliefs. My biggest inspiration are my two young daughters, who I hope to raise in a household that openly illuminates and addresses the misinformation instead of adopting it.

CONTACT ME: erin@alkalignstudios.com