We’ve all been told that we should be drinking ½ our weight in ounces of water per day to stay hydrated. While that’s not a bad goal since most of us are chronically dehydrated, drinking bulk liquid is only part of the hydration equation. Most of us are familiar with the experience of chugging a bunch of water and having it go straight to our bladder without actually hydrating our cells. It’s pretty disruptive and inefficient. How can we better transport fluid and nutrients to our cells and remove waste products? The answer is remarkably simple.
According to integrative medicine Dr. Dana Cohen and anthropologist Gina Bria, authors of Quench, movement is the missing link to better hydration at the cellular level. It turns out that our fascial system functions as an “irrigation system” for our bodies. When we move our bodies through gentle micromovements like shoulder rolls, ankle circles or a Recharge class, we are helping our fascial system pump nutrient-filled fluid through our bodies and into our cells. Not only is a Recharge class improving your mobility and easing tension in your body, but it’s also hydrating you at a cellular level!
Why should we care about hydration? According to Cohen and Bria, most of us live in chronic low-level dehydration which can manifest as fatigue, decline in cognitive performance, poor sleep and excess weight. The authors even reference studies that suggest that poor hydration leads to decreased immunity, joint pain and chronic diseases like Type 2 Diabetes and fibromyalgia.
So, the next time you are feeling sluggish or foggy, put down the water bottle and pick up your massage balls. Your brain and body will thank you today and for years to come.